Sometimes certain facts and theories about fictions and fandoms strike me weirdly. This is one of the thoughts I've had recently:
It has been theorized by some in the pokemon fandom that all the creatures in the pokemon world are in fact just different strains of Pokemon. This includes human beings. My question is this? If humans are pokemon, what prevents other people from beating the crap out of them and capturing them in pokeballs. This would take stalking in a whole, new, terrifying direction. Imagine if you could literally imprison and carry your crush with you every where you go, if you could keep them in a state of suspended animation, alive and in your power, but not accessible forever. Imagine if someone with a crush did that to you!
I know that this has probably, hopefully, been disproven or debunked by now. I also know I'm kind of bent for even thinking about it, but then again when you think of things like Lavender Town, Cubone, and Yamask, it's probably not all that farfetched. (( See what I did there?)) So, it's time for you, my dear readers, to weigh in. What do you think of this idea? Do you find it frightening? Is it possible or impossible considering other bits of the pokelore? I look forward to your comments.
-Cameron Carrington
Friday, September 19, 2014
Sunday, May 25, 2014
Thoughts on Manhood
I expect to lose some "friends" after this, but I've been so damn miffed and hurt about it that I can't keep silent anymore. There are days when I wake up and hate the fact that I am a man. Not because I feel oppressed, not because I don't acknowledge that because of my mental gender and physical sex I have privileges that people who don't share these qualities do not. I am well aware that in the lottery of life through the sheerest chance the irresponsible idiot that fertilized my egg gave me the chromosome that basically puts me ahead of the game in this society. No, I sometimes hate being a man for another reason entirely. I am ashamed by the stupid shit my gender/sex says and does.
If you think the friendzone exists, you need to unfriend me. If you think that you are entitled to sex and or a relationship because you spend money on or time with a woman, you need to unfriend me. I can't say that I never embraced these concepts, but I can say that I've grown the hell up and taken a look at things and discarded these childish and frankly dangerous notions. These delusional ideas and the depersonalization and hatred they espouse and inspire cost the men who hold to them respect, time, and the very relationships they aspire to. These delusional ideas kill.
If you in any way believe the UCSB shooter was right and or justified in what he did you need to unfriend me. You need to sit down and contemplate what it is to have innocent blood on your hands because you felt entitled to an individual's person, life and body. You need to stop and wonder why your brain is so out of whack that you equate women with fleshlights. You need to get the fuck away from me before you go around the bend in the same way. You need to get away from me before you decide to injure and kill other people and possibly even yourself for a pseudo philosophy of paranoia that makes even a mentally ill person like myself shudder. You need help of a type I am unqualified to give.
Don't dare come at me with this "It's not all men." garbage either. Shit like this makes it all men. Creepers in malls make it all men, rapists and rape apologists make it all men. Men who feel entitled to and whine about women not being subservient or attracted to them make it all men. Why? It's simple, because it could be any man. The man walking down the street with his hands in his pockets could be looking for a victim. The man sitting on a bus could be coveting a woman who's name he may not even know like she was a car, or a thousand dollar bill and wondering why he shouldn't just take her. A woman cannot actually know what any man at any time is thinking. Every time something like the above happens, any time some idiot loses control of himself and does something disgusting and sub-human it makes it a lot less safe for any woman to be near any man. She cannot be sure that all men aren't predators, what she can be sure of is that if something does happen to her it is more than likely that everyone from her own family to the media will be looking for reasons that it is her fault. Despite the fact that this senseless thing happened was done to her, for no discernible reason, she knows that everyone is going to try to pin the blame on her. So don't give me this "Not all men " bullshit, because it might as well be.
We do it to ourselves. This society, built by and for men, pushes these roles upon us. It tells us that it's okay to be out of control animals, that men should aspire to be as such. Action movie heroes, sports players, musicians, even our own schools and government tell us that the ideal man is one of violent action and sexual debauchery. They tell us that it is women who must give up their comfort and individuality because men are all barely controlled lust engines and the sight of the slightest bit of alluring skin might topple our reason and force us to do horrible things to them. This male run society devalues men, just not as much as it devalues women.
I know everything isn't peaches and cream simply because a person has twigs and berries. Men are a lot less likely to gain custody of children for instance and male rape and molestation by females is a reality of which I myself am a survivor. We fuck those things up for ourselves as well though. This male built society favors women in custody battles not because they assume women are the ideal parents, but because we are taught that women can and should be the caretakers, that a man does not and should not want to shoulder the responsibility of parenthood. Men who report rape or molestation by women are laughed at or have their manhood questioned because how could a man not want to have sex? Once the uglies start to bump this male built society tells us our minds and souls should shut up and let our body enjoy it. Men hurt themselves because they have built a society around the idea that women are less than them. We do it to ourselves, like little kids blaming the stove but refusing to take their hands off the burner.
So yes, some days I hate being a man. I hate being associated with all of this garbage. I can't escape it however, because I am a man and all of us are responsible for our actions, no matter how much we wish we weren't.
If you think the friendzone exists, you need to unfriend me. If you think that you are entitled to sex and or a relationship because you spend money on or time with a woman, you need to unfriend me. I can't say that I never embraced these concepts, but I can say that I've grown the hell up and taken a look at things and discarded these childish and frankly dangerous notions. These delusional ideas and the depersonalization and hatred they espouse and inspire cost the men who hold to them respect, time, and the very relationships they aspire to. These delusional ideas kill.
If you in any way believe the UCSB shooter was right and or justified in what he did you need to unfriend me. You need to sit down and contemplate what it is to have innocent blood on your hands because you felt entitled to an individual's person, life and body. You need to stop and wonder why your brain is so out of whack that you equate women with fleshlights. You need to get the fuck away from me before you go around the bend in the same way. You need to get away from me before you decide to injure and kill other people and possibly even yourself for a pseudo philosophy of paranoia that makes even a mentally ill person like myself shudder. You need help of a type I am unqualified to give.
Don't dare come at me with this "It's not all men." garbage either. Shit like this makes it all men. Creepers in malls make it all men, rapists and rape apologists make it all men. Men who feel entitled to and whine about women not being subservient or attracted to them make it all men. Why? It's simple, because it could be any man. The man walking down the street with his hands in his pockets could be looking for a victim. The man sitting on a bus could be coveting a woman who's name he may not even know like she was a car, or a thousand dollar bill and wondering why he shouldn't just take her. A woman cannot actually know what any man at any time is thinking. Every time something like the above happens, any time some idiot loses control of himself and does something disgusting and sub-human it makes it a lot less safe for any woman to be near any man. She cannot be sure that all men aren't predators, what she can be sure of is that if something does happen to her it is more than likely that everyone from her own family to the media will be looking for reasons that it is her fault. Despite the fact that this senseless thing happened was done to her, for no discernible reason, she knows that everyone is going to try to pin the blame on her. So don't give me this "Not all men " bullshit, because it might as well be.
We do it to ourselves. This society, built by and for men, pushes these roles upon us. It tells us that it's okay to be out of control animals, that men should aspire to be as such. Action movie heroes, sports players, musicians, even our own schools and government tell us that the ideal man is one of violent action and sexual debauchery. They tell us that it is women who must give up their comfort and individuality because men are all barely controlled lust engines and the sight of the slightest bit of alluring skin might topple our reason and force us to do horrible things to them. This male run society devalues men, just not as much as it devalues women.
I know everything isn't peaches and cream simply because a person has twigs and berries. Men are a lot less likely to gain custody of children for instance and male rape and molestation by females is a reality of which I myself am a survivor. We fuck those things up for ourselves as well though. This male built society favors women in custody battles not because they assume women are the ideal parents, but because we are taught that women can and should be the caretakers, that a man does not and should not want to shoulder the responsibility of parenthood. Men who report rape or molestation by women are laughed at or have their manhood questioned because how could a man not want to have sex? Once the uglies start to bump this male built society tells us our minds and souls should shut up and let our body enjoy it. Men hurt themselves because they have built a society around the idea that women are less than them. We do it to ourselves, like little kids blaming the stove but refusing to take their hands off the burner.
So yes, some days I hate being a man. I hate being associated with all of this garbage. I can't escape it however, because I am a man and all of us are responsible for our actions, no matter how much we wish we weren't.
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Random Thoughts and things I want that will probably never happen.
I want a new, non-hentai Valis game. I'm talking the real deal, animated cut scenes, a plot copy and pasted out of Leda: The Fantastic Adventures of Yohko. A girl, a pleated mini-skirt, some improbable armor and a sword. Monsters would die, Bishounen evil generals would dramatically kick the bucket and the magic of dreams would save the day. I want it so badly I can taste it. Heck, you could even throw in the occasional panty-flash for the fanservice crowd. I can't decide if I'd like it to be a 2d platformer or a an experience like Lollipop Chainsaw or Bayonetta, but if it had the above criteria and was decently playable I would sell vital bodily fluids to get my grubby little paws on it either way. It would be even better if the character could be customized, still cute and anime-ish, but with different facial features, eyes, body-types and general costumes available. Heck, the costume pieces could be found in game to enhance replay value.
Perhaps it is foolish to dream however. It seems, sadly, that the era of video-gaming that would produce such a game is long gone. Everything now a days stars generic buzz cut soldiers of either the terrestrial or extra terrestrial subtype. Strong female characters either draw the wrath of the gaming community or are made into submissive jokes. They even managed to spay Samus Aran, the original badass bitch of gaming, making her into nothing but a panting doe-eyed lustbucket who bases whether or not she can do something on the say so of her crush/"infinitely wiser" commanding officer. Fuck that. Do not want.
I want strong female characters in games. I want women who would and do rescue their boyfriends instead of vice versa. It doesn't mean she has to be a slab of muscle, it doesn't mean she still can't be sexy and stylish while doing it, it does mean that she kicks ass and makes no bones about it. I want a female hero. I want her to be written as a woman, not as a man in panty-hose. Is that so much to ask?
Yes, she'll be sexualized. That's inevitable. I don't particularly care about that. I'm sad that it would have to happen on one hand, on the other hand however I am a great fan of Hentai, so I don't really have room to talk. There will be rule 34, and a great deal of it, because the current society cannot stand to have a female character that hasn't been brought to heel in some way shape or form. I just want the hero, the character, and the kick-ass game that would host her and I'm sure fans of the Valis series and other games such as the Guardian Legend would agree with me.
Sadly I am not a game programmer and can't currently afford to higher someone to do so for me. I don't think my ideas and initial sketches would catch anyone's eye on kickstarter. So for now my dream will remain a dream. Maybe one day the gaming community will grow up and I'll get something along the lines of what I want. In the meanwhile I can always dream...
Thank-you for taking the time to read this and listen to my thoughts. Comments are welcome below. Have a good day gentle readers.
-Cameron Carrington
Perhaps it is foolish to dream however. It seems, sadly, that the era of video-gaming that would produce such a game is long gone. Everything now a days stars generic buzz cut soldiers of either the terrestrial or extra terrestrial subtype. Strong female characters either draw the wrath of the gaming community or are made into submissive jokes. They even managed to spay Samus Aran, the original badass bitch of gaming, making her into nothing but a panting doe-eyed lustbucket who bases whether or not she can do something on the say so of her crush/"infinitely wiser" commanding officer. Fuck that. Do not want.
I want strong female characters in games. I want women who would and do rescue their boyfriends instead of vice versa. It doesn't mean she has to be a slab of muscle, it doesn't mean she still can't be sexy and stylish while doing it, it does mean that she kicks ass and makes no bones about it. I want a female hero. I want her to be written as a woman, not as a man in panty-hose. Is that so much to ask?
Yes, she'll be sexualized. That's inevitable. I don't particularly care about that. I'm sad that it would have to happen on one hand, on the other hand however I am a great fan of Hentai, so I don't really have room to talk. There will be rule 34, and a great deal of it, because the current society cannot stand to have a female character that hasn't been brought to heel in some way shape or form. I just want the hero, the character, and the kick-ass game that would host her and I'm sure fans of the Valis series and other games such as the Guardian Legend would agree with me.
Sadly I am not a game programmer and can't currently afford to higher someone to do so for me. I don't think my ideas and initial sketches would catch anyone's eye on kickstarter. So for now my dream will remain a dream. Maybe one day the gaming community will grow up and I'll get something along the lines of what I want. In the meanwhile I can always dream...
Thank-you for taking the time to read this and listen to my thoughts. Comments are welcome below. Have a good day gentle readers.
-Cameron Carrington
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