There are people who act as if killing the rich will solve the world's problems, this simply is not so. If destroying the rich actually worked corruption would have vanished after the French Revolution.
The rich don't need to be killed, they need to be brought low. They need to be forced to scrape by week to week or month to month, they need to be made to have to decide whether they eat, or keep the lights on. They need to know the crushing torent of starting to get a little ahead of things and then having an emergency not only destroy all their progress, but leave them further in the hole than they were at the start.
It is not until we make them realize that their wealth does not equate to their virtue and that it is nearly impossible to "Work Hard until you make it" in this modern world that any kind of positive societal change can be made. Death, frankly, is too good for the rich, they need to see their version of hell, a world where they're just like everyone else.
So, can we ship all the rich to Greenland?